The Facts About Black Mold

The Facts About Black MoldThe subject of mold, particularly black or toxic mold, is a subject that terrifies many homeowners. In truth, while there is some justification for concern, there are many misconceptions concerning the treatment, removal, and the dangers associated with mold. By answering the following commonly asked questions, hopefully, we can ease your fears; should you be confronted with this problem.

  1. How do I know if I have black mold?  This is a tricky one. The fact is; mold spores are a product of nature, thus, most every home has some degree of mold. These common levels are not believed to be harmful; though they may cause sinus, allergy, or respiratory problems to worsen. The type of mold that you should be concerned with is "Black or Toxic". This generally caused by higher than normal levels of moisture and/or poor ventilation. The most common signs will be visible black or green staining and a musky odor.
  2. Should I have my home tested? This is a choice that can only be made by the homeowner, but I would recommend taking some other steps first. If you see visible staining or growth; you have mold.There is no need to spend several hundred dollars on a test. If you've had recent water or moisture problems, but there are no visible signs; perform your own visual inspections of attics, basements, closets, and other areas that may be vulnerable to moisture or poor ventilation. If necessary, have a general contractor do the inspection for you. The problem with testing is, as I mentioned earlier, an air quality test will most certainly show some degree of mold. Unless the indoor levels are much greater than outdoor, the results will be of little use.
  3. Is black mold dangerous to my health? There are many determining factors to consider, such as the severity, length of exposure, pre-existing health conditions etc.. and it depends on which doctor or scientist you believe. However,  the common belief is exposure can cause or worsen some degree of health problems. I would recommend consulting your doctor and erring on the side of caution if your home or workplace is affected.
  4. I have black mold. What should I do? The answer to this depends on the location and the severity. Surface mold on a wall or ceiling can be easily removed by cleaning with a bleach and water solution. If it has gotten inside a wall or penetrated wood surfaces; you may need to remove the affected materials.
  5.  Who should I hire to remove it? A few years ago during the mold remediation craze; this process was made out to be some sort of scientific process that required a biological hazard team. The reality is; it is simply cleaning or removing the infected areas and properlyventilating the affected rooms. While there are many companies that specialize in remediation; in almost all cases insurance companies have written this coverage out of policies and the outrageous cost prohibits most people from this option. The process can be easily done by painters, drywallers, or others with a basic understanding of the job.
  6. Can I do it myself? Yes, you absolutely can. If you've got some basichandyman skills and you don't mind a little hard work; you can easily accomplish the task and save yourself some money at the same time. If your considering your own remediation, I recommend taking a look at  a do it yourself  mold removal course called
    "The Mold Manuscript" by  Maurice Manhattan. This e book provides a step by step guide for inspecting for treating and removing mold from any area of your home. While, in my opinion, the author tends to over hype the dangers and effects of some forms of mold; the course provides a great education into discovering the causes, treatment and removal techniques, the necessary equipment, andthe proper steps that should be taken to prevent a return. There is also a money back guaranty; though I have no knowledge and cannot vouch for the refund procedures. If you're looking to do your own inspection and remediation; this course will fill your needs at a reasonable price. For more information;  Click Here!

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